Nettoken provide a password-management product similar to 1Password or Lastpass. They had a beta MVP of their web app available for a limited user-base and were pushing toward a mobile app launch for early 2019. For our final project on the immersive General Assembly UX Design course, myself and 3 other designers were tasked with designing flows for this new mobile app in a 2-week design sprint.
Discover & Define
Market research, competitive & comparative analysis, proto-personas generated with the client and 12 user interviews gave us our demographic and attitudes/behaviours around internet security. Trends in the research showed that...
Users lack awareness of a 'scary scenario', i.e. what would actually happen if their accounts were hacked.
Most users have 3 passwords or less for all contemporary accounts. Some have just 1 password.
Users don't like organising large amounts of data on mobile, preferring just to check or update big data caches.
Convenience beats security almost every time - fewer barriers is more of a priority than layers of security.
Develop & Test
We prioritised features and ideated them into key flows in a workshop to create a paper prototype. As we progressed through three stages to high-fidelity, we made changes informed by usability tests.
Exchanging the sliding drawer menu
for it's own screen for the 'add account'
option to assuage users' inner
frustration and confusion
The Abel font Nettoken used on their
web app was less readable on
smaller screens, so we swapped
main body text for Roboto
Spacing information into more screens during email inbox scan to hand users more control and reassurance
This is a video demo on our final prototype of login, email scan and manually adding an account.
This was recorded live at a meeting with our client toward the end of the project.
Stretch Goals
By combining day 2 and 3 or the second week of the sprint, we hit high-fidelity a day earlier than originally planned and so had room to set ourselves some stretch goals.
The two ideas we developed were inspired by the need to reach out to users and raise their awareness of security issues. The Security Notifications feature would deliver realtime alerts to users’ landing page about threats which may affect their accounts or bank balance.
The Security Assistant: Netty the Watchdog is a less urgent form of security feature — this character is a memorable, brand-reinforcing feature which lives in the accounts section of the app and offers a bit-by-bit approach to improving account security.
This project was an important lesson in user sensitivity toward matters of security — there was a delicate balance between a user flow which gave users the feeling of security and one in which users felt pushed around. The three key flows were iterated three times and while there is a good amount left to design and test, this seemed to be a strong initial scouting of the mobile app for Nettoken, who were happy with the work and implemented these designs early in 2019.